Dispatch - Pickup

This function is used when customers are picking up their items. You can create a tally sheet for each customer that is picking up. Tally sheets are used to show the customer which items they are receiving from you and allows them to sign for the items. To do this:

  1. Select the Dispatch menu.
  2. Select Pickup.
  3. Pick one or more Consignees (or customers) from the list and select OK.
  4. The Dispatch Date and Mark For are filled in for you. You may change the date if needed.
  5. Enter the Unit and Pickup # to uniquely identify this pickup. The Unit is the customer and the Pickup could be numbered if this customer picks up more than once a day.
  6. You may enter the Storage Location and Forward To customer if needed. The Delivery Type will be filled in for you.
  7. You may also enter any Notes about this pickup that may be helpful later on.
  8. Once you've established the details of your pickup, it is time to begin selecting items for your customer. Select Load Piece to load items that you have received.
  9. Select the items for this customer and select OK. Items are listed by TCN, or Transportation Control Number.
  10. You may also select Load Line Items if you have line items for this customer that are not associated with a TCN.
  11. When you have finished loading items for this customer, select Save.
  12. Select Print to print the tally sheet for this customer. The customer can sign for the items on the tally sheet when they pick up the order.

Loaded Shipping Units and Loose Line Items Grids

These grids display the contents of this customer pickup for this tally sheet. There is a search box just above the grids that you can use to find items quickly.

The buttons towards the bottom perform the following functions:

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